Here’s One Funny Ad You Really Need to Watch on #ADayWithoutAWoman
Today, March 8, is International Women's Day. It's also A Day Without a Woman, a strike organized by the group behind the Women's March on Washington, D.C., to "act together for equity, justice and...
View ArticleFinally, There’s a Unisex Fragrance for Overworked and Underappreciated Ad...
Hang onto your noses, ladies and gents. A couple of geniuses have finally created what the advertising industry didn't know it was missing all these years--a unisex perfume called Validation. Whether...
View ArticleA Southern Chicken Chain Celebrates Anime Cosplay, but It’s Not Mainstream...
You can love eating chicken and dressing up like an anime character, because Zaxby's thinks different flavors are what makes the world go round. Zaxby's is a fast-food franchise that operates in the...
View ArticleProgressive’s Flo Gets More Animated Than Ever, Robot Chicken Style
So, which is more annoying: Progressive's Flo in real life or rendered as a stop-motion animated character by the team behind Adult Swim's Robot Chicken? Decide for yourself after watching the ads...
View ArticleIf Sexting Came With Terms of Service, Would Teens Think Twice?
Sexting. It always starts innocently. You're in the heat of the moment, defenses are low ... and doesn't sending an actual pic of your sassy self seem like the perfect way to follow up that eggplant...
View ArticleGiant Ape Footprints Appear Around L.A. in Colossal Stunt for Kong: Skull Island
We're fond of beach stunts for entertainment franchises, and here's a pretty good one--or actually, five--from experiential agency Grandesign for this week's premiere of Kong: Skull Island. The agency...
View ArticleNeed a Room at SXSW? This Agency Is Listing a Free One on Airbnb, but There’s...
Booking a room in Austin for SXSW can be brutal, and if you've left it this late--well, you're probably open to improvising. And that's what you'll have to do with this very nontraditional room...
View ArticleTired of Staring at Boring Billboards on a Road Trip? This Campaign Livens Up...
Boy, billboards sure can ruin the view during a scenic summer road trip. Wouldn't it be great if instead of staring out the window at static ads for airlines, cars and sneakers, you could gaze at more...
View ArticleMcDonald’s Got NYC’s Bushwick Collective to Paint Bagel Burgers on Billboards...
If anything says "New York" more than a bagel, it's graffiti and hip-hop. That, at least, is the premise of a new Dutch campaign for McDonald's, from TBWA\Neboko. To promote a new burger--the New York...
View ArticleThis CP+B Creative Dressed Up as Albrecht Dürer for the Best Agency Headshot...
Dave Swartz has long been obsessed with Albrecht D?rer, the giant of art history who was a painter and printmaker in the German Renaissance of the late 1400s and early 1500s. So, when the time came for...
View ArticleThe Story of ‘The Fearless Girl,’ From the Women at McCann Who Made Her
It's been three days since McCann New York and its client State Street Global Advisors, under the cover of darkness, dropped a statue called "The Fearless Girl" into Bowling Green Park in lower...
View ArticleA Moose Bumper Sticker Seeks Answers to Mighty Pressing Questions in Geico’s...
Jeff the moose, a confused decal slapped on an RV bumper, takes a comically existential star turn in this new Geico commercial. Part of a mildly meta series of spots from The Martin Agency, the...
View ArticleFiat Got Surrealist Animator Cyriak to Make an Ad, and It Sure Is Hypnotic...
Take out your blotter of acid, because it's time to watch surrealist British animator Cyriak's take on a Fiat 500 commercial. The 1:44 spot, which premiered Thursday at the Geneva Motor Show,...
View ArticleDroga5’s First Ad for Seat Stars the Loneliest Race Car in the World
Many of you will feel bad for the race car in Droga5 London's first ad for automaker Seat. That is because you're crazy. It has no feelings! Oh, but it does, and they're expertly drawn out by director...
View ArticleAn Ad Agency Designed This Crazy Cool Flagship Store in Austin for Yeti Coolers
Yeti is among the few brands that, even without a store, has cultivated a passionate community around an otherwise innocuous product--coolers. So, what more can its first flagship store bring to the...
View ArticleA Jetskiing Hunk Rides Waves of Dr Pepper in Deutsch’s Cartoony New Ads
If you're craving some highly caffeinated, self-consciously wacky commercials starring a human-cartoon pitch-dude riding a jet ski, Dr Pepper has the ad campaign for you. Dropping today, the ads...
View Article50 Years Later, Heinz Approves Don Draper’s ‘Pass the Heinz’ Ads and Is...
It was a compelling idea, even if the client wan't convinced at the time. Fifty years ago, in the fictional world of Mad Men, Don Draper pitched a daring ad campaign to Heinz execs, for the brand's...
View ArticleThis Grocery Store’s Sweet Love Story Is a Lot More Than Boy Meets Girl
Ah, young love. In "#lamourlamour," French grocery store Intermarch? spins out a wordless three-minute yarn about a guy who, while in line with friends at a checkout counter, falls hopelessly in love...
View ArticleSwedes Are Asked to Call ‘The Syrian Number’ in Sobering Spinoff of ‘The...
A new Swedish campaign raises awareness about the ongoing conflict in Syria by creating "The Syrian Number," a spinoff of last year's "The Swedish Number," a tourism campaign that invited people abroad...
View ArticleSherwin-Williams Color Chips Come Alive as Leopards, Giraffes and Flamingos...
In the latest installment of its "Color Chips" campaign, Sherwin-Williams creates a captivating African jungle teeming with bright, bountiful, beastly life. It took nearly 30,000 paint chips, along...
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