It's no NeverWet, but as new products go, Tile has a wow factor that's helped it attract plenty of funding, if somewhat mixed reactions to its core concept. "It has never been easier to find your keys" is one of the product's big marketing lines—and indeed, Tile finds whatever you've lost, if you've stuck one of the little white Tile squares to it. Each Tile pairs with an iOS app, so when the item goes missing, you can use your Apple device to track it down. But that's just the beginning. The company is planning to build a community of users, any of whom could track down your item if it goes missing in public. The promo video dramatically suggests this could help track down and capture auto thieves. On the downside: It's currently available only for iOS, not Android. And it could be just another beacon by which its users could be tracked by Big Brother. Tile is being funded through a Selfstarter campaign and has raised almost $1 million—well past its initial goal of $20,000.