In this strange ad by Made Movement for Stonyfield, a woman with an Oompa-Loopa-ish complexion and a deeply annoying voice asks her lunchroom friend if she ever wonders about pesticides. Stonyfield fans like myself will recognize that a similar question is contained inside every yogurt container. But our protagonist gives it a good ponder anyway, and we are transported into her mind's eye. A farmer and his son are seen petting a cow, when three neon-colored dweebs wearing costumes that say "Pesticide" hop the fence to cause trouble. So, the Stonyfield farmer breaks out his kung-fu and defeats his brightly colored enemies by employing more cowbell. According to the release, "While most opt for a slick, stylish approach and keep verbiage vague such as 'Pure' or 'Natural,' this high-energy, color-saturated spot highlights Stonyfield's commitment." Indeed, it does look like someone vomited highlighters on it. And it does stand out in a category full of real cows in realistically colored fields. I guess Stoneyfield is finally going for the stoner crowd.
Client: Stonyfield
Agency: Made Movement
Chief Creative Officer/Partner: Dave Schiff
Chief Design Officer/Partner: John Kieselhorst
Chief Digital Officer/Partner: Scott Prindle
Creative Director: Claire Wyckoff
Cheif Strategy Officer: Graham Furlong
Art Director: Marybeth Ledesma
Writers: David Satterfield, Claire Wyckoff
Consulting Head Of Integrated Production: Chris Kyriakos
Junior Integrated Producer: Isaac Karsen
Visual Effects Company & City: Ingenuity Engine, Hollywood CA
Music Company & City: Beacon Street Studios, Venice, CA
Composer: Andrew Feltenstein, John Nau
Sound Design Company & City: Soundelux
Editorial Company & City: NO6, Santa Monica
Business Manager: Jennifer DeCastro
Vp Account Production: Rachael Donaldson
Production Company: Hungry Man
Director: Jim Hosking
Executive Producers: Kevin Byrne, Dan Duffy
Line Producer: Leora Glass
Director Of Photography: Marten Tedin
Editor: Dan Aronin
Assitant Editor: Doug Scott
Executive Producer (Editorial Co): Crissy DeSimone
Lead Flame: David Lebensfeld
Visual Effects Producer: Oliver Taylor
Telecine: Company 3
Colorist: Siggy Ferstl
Sound Designer: Harry Cohen
Audio Finishing: Lime Studios
Audio Engineer: Sam Casas