After years of weirdness and grotesquerie, Skittles has found its calling—breaking Grandma's knickknacks. This enjoyable interactive YouTube video from DDB Chicago features a young man who breaks a porcelain unicorn after it promises it will turn into Skittles if he does so. Naturally, the interactive part involves clicking on, and watching the guy break, a bunch of other stuff, including two frogs, two birds and a monkey. It's pretty fun, and I'm glad to see Skittles run those anarchic creative tendencies of theirs through some quality control. Credits below.
Client: Mars/Skittles
Agency: DDB, Chicago
Ewan Paterson: Chief Creative Officer
Mark Gross: ECD
Alex Zamiar: ACD/Art Director
Jonathan Richman: ACD/Copywriter
Will St. Clair: Exec. Producer
Jon Ellis: Exec. Digital Producer
Matt Green: Producer
Scott Terry: Production Manager
Director: Harold Einstein, Station Film
Editorial: Beast Editorial