Neil Christie of Wieden + Kennedy in London received the letter below on Monday morning from a 10-year-old girl who seems to have fallen in love with the agency's "Cog" spot for Honda—the instant classic which was released a decade ago, possibly before this girl was even born.
"It was astonishing how you did all of it," she writes. "How do you make it so smooth? It must have taken you months to get it right." The girl says she tried a similar experiment "with my little brother Alex's toy truck and my stationary" and managed to make it work. Now, she wants to visit the agency.
Christie writes: "I can't help thinking that a visit to our office will be a bit of a disappointment for Melissa—it's just like a normal office only more untidy—but it's a very good letter for a ten year old. Neat handwriting and only a couple of errors. Perhaps there's a future for her as a copywriter."
A commercial that inspires a love letter from a child a decade after it was made—that is special advertising. See the letter below, along with the spot and the making-of video.