Building on last week's digital-dating print campaign, Calvin Klein is taking its #mycalvins play for the Tinder and Grindr generation into the live-action realm.
A new spot overlays sexts onto the fashion category's usual moody writhing—the brand claims the dialogue is based on "actual events and people," which is easy to believe, given it includes lines like "come ovr." (Gotta say, that kind of creative license has never gotten a writer off.)
Like the billboards, Mother New York created the spot, featuring international faces like Grace Hartzel, Ethan James Green, Aya Jones, Julia Van Os, Piero Mendez and others. And while it's easy to dismiss as merely tortured or sexually provocative, it does deserve credit for its recognition of diversity in many forms: It is hetero, gay, ethnically mixed and sexually open.
But it's maybe most notable for how it masterfully illustrates the listlessness of a generation ruled by swipes, right or left. Even in sexual intimacy, these people don't so much connect as graze, and the tyranny of a small text can result in either the happy arrival of a third partner, or a precipitated gathering of belongings before wandering off to the next hook-up. This is best exemplified by the conversation that concludes the piece.
"Why do we even do this?" an angsty male voice says into the ether.
"Because it's fun, and you love it," replies a woman whose aggressive tone suggests this isn't actually about loving anything—it's mainly about diversions.