Here we are again, fools.
It's the first day of April, and everyone is reluctant to click links for fear of getting Rickrolled, sent to an old website from the '90s or even—gasp!—finding a fake product from a brand.
The latter is particularly loathsome, according to people on Twitter who hate to see brands have any fun whatsoever. It's so tiresome and clichéd, these folks claim (a complaint that itself might be a bit tiresome and clichéd).
Take a look below at this motley crew of pitchfork-carrying villagers who won't rest until the brands stop trying to engage with them.
It all started out friendly enough...
i know april first is coming up #brands but think long and hard before doing anything about it ok just a friendly suggestion
— darth™ (@darth) March 29, 2015
But even before today, it began to get heated ...
Hundreds of brand managers won't sleep tonight because they're so excited about their brand's April Fool's joke. I weep for those people.
— Ben Wright (@BenWrightATL) April 1, 2015
I fully support your decision to not have your brand participate in April Fool's Day.
— Michele Catalano (@inthefade) March 31, 2015
is your brand thinking of doing an april fool's joke post? don't.
— jeff in real life (@thecultureofme) March 31, 2015
Pro Tip: if you're a media biz or a brand and are thinking of doing a really clever April Fool's joke. Just don't.
— Barry Graubart (@graubart) April 1, 2015
Advanced shout to all that quality April fool brand engagement content. Can't wait to feel closer to your brand.
— williamcastoncook (@cogmeat) March 31, 2015
"OMG we've got this GREAT April Fool's idea it will totally be #great for our #brand" - literally every company today pic.twitter.com/SeLOVxyHyC
— Jenna Guillaume (@JennaGuillaume) March 31, 2015
imagine explaining the concept of "embargoed april fool's day brand prank" to a pilgrim
— Alanna Okun (@Alannabean) March 31, 2015
Advance warning: if you RT a #brand's April Fool's gag tomorrow I will unfollow your ass immediately.
— Colin Dickey (@colindickey) March 31, 2015
And then things just escalated …
Next-level Brand Move: Do your April Fool's prank on a day nowhere near April Fool's Day. Like, a classic Fake Earnings Call or Gag 10-K
— patrick (@pattymo) April 1, 2015
April Brands' Day. (Stop.)
— John Jannuzzi (@johnjannuzzi) April 1, 2015
hey every social media manager for any brand that exists that tries to promote an April Fool's joke today, welcome to rock bottom.
— Kirk FM (@KirkLikesStuff) April 1, 2015
Friends: I wish your brands, both personal and professional, viral marketing success today
— Steven Perlberg (@perlberg) April 1, 2015
Every brand yesterday: 'Let's do an April fool's prank.' 'Okay, as long as it's a shit one.' 'You got it, boss!'
— Philly Byrne (@PhilipNByrne) April 1, 2015
Can't wait to see all of the #RealTimeLOLZ churned out by brands today. ^ That was a joke. #AprilFools
— Marion Brewer (@marionbrew) April 1, 2015
Hi [name], we have launched [ironic product that is just too silly so you know it's April Fool and can't sue us]. Buy shit, Love [Brand]
— Tom Aylott (@aylott) April 1, 2015
Every time you RT a brand's April Fool's Day prank, a Social Media Intern should get health coverage.
— Christopher Brower (@cfbrower) April 1, 2015
How about next April Fool's Day, a letter of abstention signed by 100 newspaper editors, radio/TV producers, publicists and brand managers?
— Geoff Lloyd (@GeoffLloyd) April 1, 2015
More stupid that doing a bad April Fool's brand joke is making an actual announcement from your brand on April Fool's day.
— Andrew Lanxon Hoyle (@Batteryhq) April 1, 2015
Good morning and welcome to open mic day for #brands. Please, no heckling, they have your data
— Omer Shapira (@omershapira) April 1, 2015
What? A brand posted something that looked serious but was really an April Fool's joke? Zany!
— Doug Gross (@doug_gross) April 1, 2015
The greatest April Fool's Prank the devil ever pulled was getting #brands acting like people.
— Andy Boyle is cool (@andymboyle) April 1, 2015
You know what's hilarious? Brands pulling April Fools' Day pranks! (Haha jk april fools)
— Emma Bazilian (@adweekemma) April 1, 2015
I would find it way more amusing if a brand decided to prank me on a random, arbitrary day. #AprilFools
— John Buysse (@JohnBuysse) April 1, 2015
Happy Brands Trying to be Funny Day! #AprilFools
— Matt Haze (@MattHaze) April 1, 2015
If you prank today you are garbage and your brand is garbage and your whole family is garbage too.
— Robert Kessler (@robertkessler) April 1, 2015
Today is the worst. pic.twitter.com/O0LdJuinUk
— Katie Richards (@ktjrichards) April 1, 2015
The April Fool's "brand jokes" are in. They all suck. End of message.
— Shareen Pathak (@shareenpathak) March 31, 2015
surprised a #brand hasn't done an anti-April fools thing yet
— Ross Neumann (@rossneumann) April 1, 2015
Here you go, Ross—at least one brand gets it...
— steak_umm (@steak_umm) April 1, 2015