Here's your dose of mind-boggling data for the day: a stylish and hypnotic video depicting every daily flight across the North Atlantic.
Created as a promotional video for NATS, the U.K.'s largest air traffic control service, the video turns the isolated, insulated experience of international travel on its head and shows that the skies are far more crowded than you could ever imagine.
"Each year we handle 2.2 million flights and 220 million passengers in U.K. airspace," the company says. "In addition to providing services to 15 U.K. airports, we work in more than 30 countries around the world spanning Europe, the Middle East, Asia and America."
It's not the first piece of slick marketing the air traffic company has released. Check out a similar video about European flight data below, along with a rather cheesy but laudably ambitious ad about the service's role in the future of air travel.
Via Gizmodo.