Here's an unusual two-for-one deal from Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi for Beldent gum. The Mondelez brand, known as Trident in the U.S., staged "Almost Identical," a social experiment/marketing installation at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Buenos Aires, ostensibly to disprove the myth that gum chewing gives a bad impression.
Patrons were asked questions about five sets of identical twins. Each pair of twins was identically attired and quaffed—but one twin was chewing gum, while the other wasn't. Queries ranged from "Which one seems like he has more friends?" to "Which one has a better sex life?" and "Which one is the bad cop?" (Two of the twins were dressed like police officers.)
Nearly 500 people took the test, and 73 percent of the responses positively favored the twin who chewed gum. (Given the experiment's far-reaching implications for greater social understanding of gum chewers the world over, I'm surprised leading scientific journals haven't put it on their covers.)
Watching the video, which is nearing 3 million views on YouTube since its posting last November, several observations spring to mind. First, the gum chewers, with their mouths in motion, seem to be smiling at times. They look more relaxed and happy than their tight-lipped twins, who make pouty expressions, as if thinking: "Damn, I wish I had a piece of gum!" Also, putting identical twins on public display is kind of creepy.
Plus, I've got the strangest craving for Wrigley's Doublemint ... oh, snap!
The campaign won eight Lions in Cannes last week: two golds in Direct, a gold in Outdoor, a silver in Promo and bronzes in Film Craft, Film, PR and Media.