If you've spent 3.14 seconds on Twitter or Facebook today, you probably know that it's March 14, or 3.14, or Pi Day.
Ah yes, Pi Day, celebrating a mathematical constant, a number with way too many decimal places, a number used to calculate the diameter, radius and circumference of a circle.
It's also a number that seems to inspire brands to create a wide range of pi/pie-related social media updates. From the obvious pizza and bakery brands to the slightly more tangential tech brands, there's been quite a bit of fun and questionably topical output on social media this morning.
AT&T commendably tied its post back to actual science education:
Getting kids interested in #STEM should be easy as #Pi. #PiDayhttp://t.co/fXlKKDenvLpic.twitter.com/IIJEHCWF6L— AT&T (@ATT) March 14, 2014
Bing got pretty serious with its decimal dedication:
Happy 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 307816... Day. http://t.co/0BVx1aXVDK#pidaypic.twitter.com/v0l5KH0Ny8— Bing (@bing) March 14, 2014
And even Red Bull was true to the math:
Engineered for energy. Happy π day. pic.twitter.com/6eFmQYdsDo
— Red Bull (@redbull) March 14, 2014
But a lot of brands just wanted to cover Rebecca Black's "Friday:"
It's Pi Day, Pi Day gotta get down on Pi Day. #HappyPiDay
— Little Caesars (@littlecaesars) March 14, 2014
Pi Day, Pi Day, gotta get your Betty on during #PiDay... http://t.co/09P3bV2wwSpic.twitter.com/yZUOrc3FGt
— Betty Crocker (@BettyCrocker) March 14, 2014
It’s Pi day, Pi day, gotta get down on Pi day. #Friday#PiDay#InfOgraphicspic.twitter.com/iN3Vb0WISL
— Oreo Cookie (@Oreo) March 14, 2014
Then there was a lot of the usual branded oddness:
RT if you're 3.14 times more excited to eat a pie today. #PiDay.
— Domino's Pizza (@dominos) March 14, 2014
Eat pie for breakfast! While you’re at it, why not make it a low calorie Tasti Mud Pie flavor? Happy Pi Day to all our Tasti lovers.
— Tasti D-Lite (@tastidlite) March 14, 2014
This A319 has a tail number that takes #PiDay to new heights! Math geek? Book + Trip = Today! http://t.co/VAAwnUfjSbpic.twitter.com/qoAN93g7DY
— Delta (@Delta) March 14, 2014
Happy #PiDay, friends! Forget searching for the end of Pi, celebrate with a slice instead! http://t.co/Fyh8yXsYO0pic.twitter.com/TLvczxkVLM
— Pillsbury (@Pillsbury) March 14, 2014
Today could be 3.14 times more exciting. Easy equation to solve. #PiDaypic.twitter.com/vUsfPQiZI2
— Pepsi™ (@pepsi) March 14, 2014
Happy Pi Day, friends! pic.twitter.com/JOU1PtUbYi
— Samsung USA (@Samsungtweets) March 14, 2014
Happy Pi Day! AKA, the only time math gets to be delicious. Or even tolerable.
— Pepto-Bismol (@Pepto) March 14, 2014
It's #PiDay! PIES WILL BE FALLING FROM THE SKY WOOO wait what it's a math thing OK NUMERALS WILL BE FALLING FROM THE SKY not as great i know
— DiGiorno Pizza (@DiGiornoPizza) March 14, 2014