He was a lover of women—women like "Crazy Pam" and "Big Tittie Wanda." He "hated vegetables and hypocrites." He was "great at growing fruit trees, grilling chicken and ribs, popping wheelies on his Harley at 50 mph, making everyone feel appreciated and hitting Coke bottles at thirty yards with his 45." He "loved deep fried Southern food smothered in Cane Syrup, fishing at Santee Cooper Lake, Little Debbie Cakes, Two and a Half Men, beautiful women, Reeses Cups and Jim Beam. Not necessarily in that order." He didn't always drink beer, but when he did … well, you know.
He was William Freddie McCullough of Bloomingdale, Ga., and according to his obituary, he was one of the most interesting men in the world. Since being posted last Saturday, three days after his death at age 61, McCullough's obituary has quickly become an online sensation. Written by his eldest son, the tribute is rich in questionably accurate anecdotes, even noting that McCullough died "when he rushed into a burning orphanage to save a group of adorable children. Or maybe not. We all know how he liked to tell stories."
The obituary lists several of McCullough's ladyfriends by nickname and describes his three failed attempts at married life. "Freddie adored the ladies. And they adored him," the piece notes. "There isn't enough space here to list all of the women from Freddie's past. There isn't enough space in the Bloomingdale phone book."
The son, Mark McCullough, tells the Savannah Morning News (where the obit appeared) that he read dozens of other obituaries and found them too bland and formulaic for his father. "Our dad was a unique and special guy," Mark says. "I wanted to do things differently to honor him with an obit that fit him."