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50 Lessons I've Learned as an Entrepreneur


Editor's note: Appsolute Genius founder and CEO Brian Cauble recently began posting a daily list on Facebook of five lessons he's learned since launching his Alabama-based mobile-app development studio in 2009. Although the list was intended for friends, family and colleagues, Cauble agreed to let Adweek publish the full list of 50 lessons that have shaped his personal and professional life.

1. Your significant other's support is hugely important. They can hold you up or pull you down.

2. Building a powerful business network is 100 percent essential. Much of your business will come from being known.

3. This job is really, really hard, and you just won't know the answers some days.

4. Being passionate about at least a few things is very important, but you don't have to be passionate about every aspect of running a business.

5. You aren't good at everything, no matter how smart you are.

6. People will help you … if you ask.

7. Partnerships can seem like a good idea, but they take a long time to really pan out, and differences between companies can still cause them to fail.

8. Caring about your business partner and your employees can really help your company.

9. Sales is so important. If you don't figure out your sales, you will fail.

10. Picking a growing, flourishing market is just as important as your product and talent. If your market is good, it improves your margin for error quite a bit.

11. Being an entrepreneur can make you feel bipolar. You will have good days, bad days, good afternoons, bad mornings and vice versa.

12. Building a strong team is critical. A strong team isn't just smart people; it's a group of people who complement each other's strengths and weaknesses.

13. Admitting and understanding your strengths and weaknesses is a must. Take every personality and strengths assessment you can find.

14. You have to learn to balance work, family and taking care of yourself. You will probably let one of them slip a bit, and it will suffer.

15. The best characteristic I've seen for success is pure determination.

16. The second best characteristic I've seen that predicts success is determination to learn and ask questions.

17. You will feel really stupid some days.

18. Each stage of a company's growth will bring different challenges.

19. You will truly understand what "busy" means. And then you will find that there is another level of busy that you didn't think was possible.

20. The purpose of your business, your passion and your support system will carry you through the bad times.

21. The best way to build a strong network is to really get to know a lot of people and help them however you can.

22. You will be burned by at least one person you help. Don't let your temptation to stop helping people take over.

23. You will feel very lonely at certain times because it will feel like no one really gets what you are going through.

24. Your salary will go way down before it goes up. The financial payoff of being an entrepreneur doesn't come for a long time for most (even really smart) people.

25. It is a tough balance to know when to change your strategy or be determined.

26. Generally understanding every area of your business is very important, but you don't have to have your hands on everything.

27. The word payroll takes on a new meaning.

28. Hiring is VERY hard. You will try your best but you will still make mistakes.

29. Firing is also VERY hard, but it is necessary. Once you know in your gut you've made a bad hire, just end it. It will be tempting to keep the person on, but don't do it.

30. Understanding what kinds of customers you can best help (industry, size of company, personality type, etc.) will really help you grow your company. If you haven't learned about niches and segmenting, learn about them now.

31. You will feel like a proud parent certain days, and you won't believe what you've accomplished.

32. Everything takes soooo much longer than you think it will.

33. Starting and running a company will be terrifying at times. That is OK!

34. The amount of mistakes you make will be humbling. However, just don't make catastrophic mistakes that cause you to go out of business.

35. Learn to manage your cash flow. If you don't know what a rolling cash flow forecast is, you'd better learn what it is.

36. Fire really bad customers. You will be worried about losing the revenue, but they aren't worth it. Finish the job you started if you can, but discontinue the relationship as soon as you can.

37. Get a good CRM and use it. Seeing the deals you get and don't get will tell you a lot about your business.

38. Offering a product and offering a service are very different. It will be tempting to do both, but it is difficult, and you should be wary.

39. Be focused on doing one thing great. Every opportunity you look at will dilute your focus.

40. Your business can do different things like not having standard hours or having work-at-home employees. You don't have to do it the same as everyone else.

41. You will truly hate at least one thing about running a business. (For me, that's doing taxes.) Find someone else to do most of this for you.

42. Having a business partner feels a lot like being married. You will spend a ton of time with this person. It better be someone you genuinely care about and trust. But you don't have to like each other all the time.

43. It really helps if you and your business partner are good at different things.

44. You will not be able to be there for all of your family and friends as much as you like, and they will have a hard time understanding.

45. Selling your products and services becomes easier as you show a track record of being successful.

46. Good employees make your life easier. Bad employees make your life harder. There is no middle ground.

47. You will think about your business a lot. You will probably even dream about it.

48. Paying yourself a smaller (but regular paycheck) is better. You can always give yourself bonuses and raises when you have a surplus of money.

49. Having a master plan is important, but the details will change often.

50. It is all so worth it. Even if your business fails, you will be better for it.

—Brian Cauble is co-founder and CEO of Birmingham, Ala.-based mobile app studio Appsolute Genius. Since launching in 2009, his seven-person firm has developed more than 100 apps.


Low Self-Esteem Is Not a Problem in Dove's Real Beauty Sketches … for Men


Ogilvy Brazil's "Real Beauty Sketches" campaign for Dove took the Internet by storm this week with its clever use of a forensics artist to show women that they're really more beautiful than they think. What would happen if you tried the same experiment on men? Check out the brilliant parody below from New Feelings Time Comedy. Let's just say guys get the opposite results—but end up getting a little weepy just the same. "Men. You're less beautiful than you think." And you ain't no movie stars.


Iggy Pop Worried About His Integrity (or Is He?) in Fun Ad for His New Album


It's nice to see Iggy Pop taking a break from lending his music to cruise lines and starring in car-insurance ads to promote something a bit more relevant: his upcoming album, Ready to Die. In the clip below, Iggy mocks his sell-out stature by moaning about the perils of being shackled to a major label. Then we get to see that, shockingly enough, life doesn't get considerably more rewarding when he starts working with a label "from Mississippi or somewhere." It's a pretty endearing spot, one that might not make up for all the rocker's other advertising exploits, but at least makes me curious to know what he's up to these days music-wise. Via Yahoo Music.


Yet Another Car Ad Depicts Failed Suicide to Promote Clean Emissions


A disproportionate number of car ads—usually unapproved, never officially released, sometimes ultimately revealed as hoaxes—have focused on suicide. Inhaling car-exhaust fumes has been the most popular method of attempted demise in these spots, with such efforts failing because the vehicles involved are low-emission models. That's the joke. I use the term loosely. Hyundai joins the dead pool with this apparently European commercial for its iX35 "100 percent water-emissions" model. The clip shows a middle-aged guy trying unsuccessfully to off himself in his garage. It's getting popular online. Neither Hyundai nor ad agency Innocean responded to queries. The creative approach is similar to earlier spots for other nameplates, notably Citroen and Audi. The death-wish commercials featuring those cars are superior, with Citroen's use of stylish dark humor really bringing the suicide theme to life. As for Hyundai, well, personally I wouldn't be caught dead in one.


Creepy Progressive Ad Shows Human Beings Compulsively Sucking on a Windshield


Progressive takes a swipe at "rate suckers" in this odd spot depicting bad drivers who cause price increases for everyone else as zombies who leap onto your car and suck on its surfaces with their gaping mouths. They hang on tenaciously in traffic, and continue sucking even after the driver stops and chats with a pitchlady (not Flo) about Progressive's Snapshot travel monitoring device (which, FYI, has raised some privacy concerns among consumer groups). The suck-action, for lack of a better term, is damn disconcerting, and such a distraction that it detracts from the overall message. Stop drooling on the hood, you freaks! It's strange there's no Flo. She's sucked for years.


5 Reasons Why Some Critics Are Hating on Dove's Real Beauty Sketches Video


Dove's "Real Beauty Sketches" quickly became a viral phenomenon. But as it blazed past 1 million views on YouTube, the video has racked up its fair share of critics, too. The Ogilvy-produced clip, which shows a police sketch artist drawing women as they perceive themselves versus how strangers see them, has been praised by thousands of women as a heartwarming wake-up call for women to stop being so hard on themselves. But some feel the video actually reinforces beauty stereotypes by depicting one sketch as "uglier" than the other. Below, we catalog a few of the specific complaints about the campaign that have been bouncing around the Web this week.

1. It features too many traditionally attractive white women.
Jazz Brice on Tumblr:"When it comes to the diversity of the main participants: all four are Caucasian, three are blonde with blue eyes, all are thin, and all are young (the oldest appears to be 40). The majority of the non-featured participants are thin, young white women as well. … Out of 6:36 minutes of footage, people of color are onscreen for less than 10 seconds."

2. It seems to define beauty as being thin and young.
Kate Fridkis on PsychologyToday.com:"Looking at the two portraits of herself, one woman described the one meant to be prettier as looking 'much younger,' which seemed to be true of all of them. The more 'beautiful' facial representations seemed to all be thinner and younger-looking. If that is the crux of beauty, then I guess we're all pretty screwed by that obnoxiously inexorable bastard called time."

3. It positions beauty as the yardstick by which women measure themselves.
Stacy Bias on StacyBias.net:"Is the pinnacle of success always beauty? Believing that others see us as beautiful? Believing that we are beautiful? I want people to question their negative self-perceptions, sure. But I would love for that to happen in a context where beauty doesn't always end up valorized. This is a mindfuck—'everyone is beautiful, so you are beautiful, too!' still reinforces beauty as an aspirational value."

4. It shows women as their own enemies rather than victims of a sexist society.
Erin Keane on Salon.com:"All of that body image baggage is internalized by growing up in a society that enforces rigid beauty standards, and since the target demographic for this ad is clearly women over 35 with access to library cards (which is to say, women who have had some time to figure this reality out), it is baffling that Dove can continue to garner raves for its pandering, soft-focus fake empowerment ads."

5. It is hypocritical because it comes from Unilever, which also makes Axe, Slim-Fast and more.
Charlotte Hannah on Twirlit.com:"[Dove's] long-running Real Beauty campaign has shed light on some important truths about the media's unrealistic portrayals of women, but given the fact that Dove is owned by Unilever, which also owns Axe (ugh) and the company that produces Fair & Lovely skin lightening cream (double ugh), the campaign comes across as hypocritical and patronizing—a way for the company to pander to women for sales while practicing the very evil it preaches against."

What arguments have we missed? Let us know your thoughts or share links to other reactions in the comments.

Related stories:
Dove Hires Criminal Sketch Artist to Draw Women as They See Themselves and as Others See Them
Low Self-Esteem Is Not a Problem in Dove's Real Beauty Sketches … for Men


U.K. Journalist Sues His Gym Over 'Sexist' Female-Only Hours


A British copywriter and journalist says he’s suing his local gym for “women-only hours,” intended to help women feel more comfortable while exercising. In a 1,300-word column published in the Daily Mail, Peter Lloyd argues that Kentish Town Sports Centre’s decision to exclude men and boys for 442 hours a year—while still charging them full price—is a sexist policy that sends a “toxic” message about men. Lloyd’s write-up is compelling and thought-provoking, even for those who might find his opinions whiny and insensitive. Although he lays out an array of complaints, he focuses on the fact that it’s simply unfair (and possibly illegal) to charge two different genders the same amount for different hours of service. He says he requested the gym offer one of three remedies: create male-only hours to compensate, charge men less per year or end the female-only hours. The gym reportedly declined, telling Lloyd in an email, “A report by the Women Sport and Fitness Foundation showed that a significant proportion of women (26 per cent) ‘hate the way they look when they exercise.’” (A comment that seems perfectly timed with the debate over Dove’s “Real Beauty Sketches” this week.) In some of his less-diplomatic moments, Lloyd responds, “That's like trying to clean a dirty face by rubbing a mirror,” and “If these women have issues with their bodies, I truly sympathise—but it's their problem, not mine.” His column is generating praise from male advocacy groups in Britain and even here in America, but the aggresiveness of his tone could also be seen as an argument in favor of keeping guys out of the gym on occasion. Will he be part of the solution or part of the problem? Via Reddit.


One Small Schtup for Man, One Giant Leap for Axe's Astronaut Campaign


Dude's got the right stuff! Talk about a payload specialist! No "Houston, we've got a problem" for this rocket jockey! Etc.! BBH London and Blink director Tom Tagholm score with its latest, interestingly shot "Nothing beats an astronaut" spot for Axe's Apollo and Deep Space body washes, thanks to playful morning-after imagery. A woman's clothing and underwear are strewn around an apartment, along with astronaut gear like boots, a helmet and a spacesuit. She wakes up looking supremely satisfied, while her lusty inner-space traveler showers with Axe, all systems presumably "go" for re-entry. Remember to practice safe sex, people, and keep your helmet on! Credits below.

Client: Axe
Agency: Bartle Bogle Hegarty, London
Creative Director: David Kolbusz
Creative: Gary McCreadie, Wesley Hawes
TV Producer: Ruben Mercadal
Production Company: Blink
Director: Tom Tagholm
Producer: Bruce Williamson
Executive Producer: James Bland
Photography: Vincent Warin
Production Designer: Andy Kelly
Production Manager: Ellie Britton
Postproduction: Framestore
Editing House: Stitch
Editor: Tim Hardy
Audio: Wave
Sound Designer: Aaron Reynolds
Music Production: Beacon Street Studios


Durex's Fundawear Lets You Reach Out and Touch Someone, Over the Internet


Durex Australia and agency Havas Worldwide in Sydney have invented Fundawear—underwear that's fun to wear because it allows your partner to remotely operate sensors and "touch" you over the Internet. Tickle her titties or send a jolt down under with electric pulses from sensors built into the underwear and controlled via a cellphone app. I guess when you can't be close enough to use a condom, it's the next best thing. The idea is just one of the brand's "Durexperiments" (why are science-y projects so popular in ads all of a sudden?). It's pretty awesome, and designed for viral success, but of course when they call it a world's first in the video, it's not. Remote-control sex toys have been around for ages. Many of the female ones are wearable, and you know there are even existing phone apps to control them long distance. But who gives a bleeping flip? It's a great experiment. Want your own pair? You have to enter a contest on Durex Austrialia's Facebook page. Or jury-rig a Tens unit.


Anti-Anorexia Ads Imagine If Real Women Looked Like Fashion Illustrations


In keeping with current trends, Brazilian modeling agency Star Models is using illustrations to address body image issues. But its effort is more grim and cautionary than Dove's hotly debatedReal Beauty Sketches. The Star Models ads, from agency Revolution Brasil, are meant to fight anorexia by comparing fashion illustrations to images of "real" models Photoshopped to have the same measurements as the drawings. The results are downright ghoulish. The models look more like David Johansen than anything recognizably human, leaving me to wonder if campaigns like these are meant more for the fashion industry than the general public. The problems of unnecessary digital retouching and overemphasis on skinny bodies are awfully relevant to the runway these days. More images below.


Jesus Was the 'Original Hipster,' Down to His Grubby Converse Sneakers, Say Church Ads


Every now and then, you get a provocative church ad, like Florida's "Come get hammered" billboard or pretty much anything New Zealand's St. Matthew-in-the-City puts out. Catholic ads are typically more staid, but the Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn recently launched ads that speak directly to that borough's natives in a language they understand—by referring to Jesus as "the original hipster." The ad doesn't explain this statement other than to suggest Jesus wore robes and was probably somewhat dirty a lot of the time—also (in a bit of clear revisionism) that he wore Converse sneakers. The point is rather that he was incredibly cool, though not seen by many as such, and certainly misunderstood in his time. There is also no record that he ever actually turned water into PBR. The ads point to the "All Faces" section of diocese's website, showing the diversity of its worshippers. Via Animal New York.


Chicago Tribune Buys Pizza for Boston Globe After Last Week's Hell Week


The Chicago Tribune really, really loves Boston. Following the moral support it showed last week in the wake of the bombings at the marathon (via an impressive stunt on the front page of the sports section), the Trib today doubled down by sending dozens of pizzas to the Boston Globe—a free lunch as a gesture of thanks and respect for the exhaustive and exhausting coverage the Globe reporters and editors churned out under difficult circumstances. "You make us all proud to be journalists," read the accompanying note. It's a wonderful gesture, and clearly appreciated by the Globe staffers. Some will say it's starting to feel a bit like an image campaign for the Tribune. But even so, who cares? Someone there is taking the time to show a little empathy and respect—two things that could be in greater supply at almost any news organization these days.


Nike Honors and Challenges Kobe Bryant in Inspirational New Ad


Nike placed this ad in Sunday's Los Angeles Times (and in social media), honoring Kobe Bryant following his season-ending injury. It's classic Nike—simple, rhythmic, inspirational. It's also sly. It reads like a career retrospective, until the last line, when it's revealed to be anything but. From Tiger Woods to Bryant, you can always count on Nike never to be boring. Full text of the ad below.

"You showed us that an 18-year-old could play with the best.
You showed us that a championship, an exhibition game and a charity event are all must-wins.
You showed us how to play chess while others played checkers.
You showed us how to hit game winner after game winner.
You showed us that an 81-point game is a real thing.
You showed us that gold still matters.
You showed us how to take an ice bath.
You showed us how to score 30 points in a quarter, twice.
You showed us the Mamba Face.
You showed us how to demand perfection and demand it of everyone.
You showed us how to put big-boy pants on.
You showed us that you were never out of it. Ever.
You showed us how inspirational a pair of free throws could be.

Now, show us again."


Old Spice Rolls Out World's First Scratch-and-Sniff Banner Ad


More goofiness from Old Spice and Wieden + Kennedy—a scratch-and-sniff banner ad, which of course they're calling the world's first. It's running over on The Onion's sports section. Clicking on it takes you to a form you fill out—after which they'll send you something in the mail that will let you "smell the Internet." It lacks the immediacy of real scratch-and-sniff gimmicks, perhaps, but spares you from looking like an idiot at the office with your nose to the computer screen. It promotes the Wolfthorn line of products.


Budweiser's New Bow-Tie Can Is Skinny in the Middle, Unlike Its Target Market


Budweiser is introducing a new type of can, which is strange, because most people felt the old cans were just fine and it was the beer that needed improvement. Kidding, of course—All Hail the King! Thanks to a recent technological breakthrough in aluminum manufacturing, the bow-tie shaped cans, bowing May 6, have skinny middles—the irony of which will not be lost on some of its consumers. Basically, the cans come slightly pre-crushed, which should save folks a few seconds between brews. The can crinkles by 10 degrees in the middle, which means it holds less beer than the classic cylinders (11.3 ounces vs. 12 ounces). But Bud will be selling the bow ties in eight-packs priced nearly the same, ounce for ounce, as traditional SKUs, so the initial outlay to get shit-faced doesn't really change. If the cans catch on, they'll become Bud's new standard, though I'm pretty sure package design alone can't set brands apart and give them distinct personalities—or can it? Via Co.Design.


Illustrator Inserts Husband Into Opening Credits of Classic Shows in Adorably Nerdy Video Birthday Card


Manhattan-born illustrator/graphic artist Leigh Lahav spliced the opening credits of several famous TV shows—Mad Men, Arrested Development, Lost, etc.—together into a really neat video birthday card for her husband, Oren. She tinkered with each opening sequence, too, adding pictures of his family and friends as if they were cast members. It's reminiscent, in spirit, of Sean Ohlenkamp's anniversary stunt for his wife on his Mac. This kind of lovey-dovey stuff usually turns me all barfy, but when it's applied with this much effort and creativity, I really have to applaud it. Besides, it was worth it to see Aviad Rosenbaum's hair (1:24 into the video). Yikes. Via Design Taxi.


Carmichael Lynch Finds Brilliant New Use for 100-Year-Old Water Tower on Its Roof


Minneapolis ad agency Carmichael Lynch turned the century-old water tower on the roof of its building into an art installation. Students from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design contributed video pieces that are (as you'll see in the video) being projected onto the tower throughout April. The projections run in a loop, and the pieces vary in duration and subject matter—some of them wouldn't look out of place as the backdrop for a Butthole Surfers concert, which I mean as a compliment. Best of all, the project is free of any callouts to social media—no Web addresses, no Twitter handles, no "Like us on Facebook!" faux pleasantries. That would have been overkill, since it's pretty obvious who the responsible parties were and how this will reflect on them, and it's nice to leave that crap to the side sometimes and just enjoy some public art.


Sleep Inside a Giant Toy at Legoland California's New Hotel


Legoland California now has a special themed hotel to offer its guests. The 250-room hotel is a testament to all things Lego, with lots of Lego brick sculptures throughout (including a 400,000-brick dragon at the entrance) and themed rooms reminiscent of the sleazy motor lodges of yesteryear—only, you know, family-friendly Lego versions. The price isn't so friendly, though. Rooms start at $339 a night. More images below.


Beefy Burglar's Bungling Becomes a Viral TV Spot


Talk about beef jerky. The trend of using actual security-camera footage in ads continues, with Kent's Meats & Groceries in Redding, Calif., setting footage of a botched burglary to the theme from The Benny Hill Show. The portly perp is probably lucky he failed, because the last thing he needs is another helping of deli. The meaty miscreant's attention to planning and detail is shockingly lean. Clad in pajamas, as if he's just rolled out of bed craving a late-night snack, the oafish offender adjusts his face-stocking, breaks a window and then falls down trying to run away. The performance is more pathetic than funny ha-ha. I prefer the mannequin-mangling antics of the felonious fashionistas who looted a Reserva boutique in the year's other notable security-cam commercial. As for Kent's, I'm cool with the ludicrous lawbreaker's escape, because that fatty pink pastrami shown at the end of the clip is the real crime on display here.


How an Adman Conquered Reddit With the World's Weirdest Fliers


You may have seen one of Whit Hiler's fliers. Perhaps it invited you to a meet-up that promised a re-creation of scenes from The Human Centipede. ("Just for fun. Guys only.") Maybe it offered masturbation lessons ("I don't want you to make the same mistakes I've made!") or the services of an "Asian impersonator." Or perhaps it made you aware of the Rainbow Bus Club, which meets in back of a Starbucks and is "strictly for straight men that wanna get together with other straight men and pretend to be gay for an hour or so."

Hiler's fliers are fake, but people have been fooled by them. Many of them have also made Reddit's front page, which it turns out was pretty much Hiler's main goal.

Hiler, who works at Cornett Integrated Marketing Solutions in Lexington, Ky., has been involved in other rogue projects, including the recent "Kentucky kicks ass" tourism effort. He spoke with AdFreak about the fliers, where he got his loony ideas, and what he wanted to accomplish with his creations.

When did you first have the idea to create these fake fliers? What about fliers seems ripe for parody?
A little over a year ago I made it my mission to try and figure out Reddit, to get some of that hot Internet action. If you're new to Reddit, it's kind of a tough nut to crack. Specifically, I wanted to figure out how to create content that rises to the top and eventually lands on the front page. So my goal was to make the front page. Through a little experimentation, the fake fliers ended up becoming my weapon of choice.

Why fliers? Fliers are really simple. Anyone can make them. You don't even need a computer. I'm not a designer. I could make them myself. It's not hard to pick the worst fonts and drop and drag strange images.

As far as sharable content goes, images work the best and are easiest to consume. Plus, images of fliers have already proven to be popular on the Internet. Did you ever see the Lionel Richie "Is it me you're looking for?" flier?

There's already a lot of strange fliers out there. Craigslist ads, too. So they are believable.

You certainly jumped right in with the Human Centipede flier. Were you looking to shock people, or just amuse them? Did you assume people might think it was real?
I knew the Internet already had a fixation with the Human Centipede. Like an event flier, the movie was about bringing people together. I also knew Reddit loved really weird stuff. For some strange reason, I got the idea to put together this sick-minded flier for a Human Centipede Meet-Up, asking people to "meet at noon to roshambo for positions."

The goal was to both shock and amuse. I figured if any place got a kick out of it, it would be Reddit. We're talking about the Internet here, so I really didn't assume anything. Just hoped for the best.

From this idea, another buddy and myself created a infographic called the Human Centipede of Advertising, which we dropped last Halloween. The possibilities with the Human Centipede are endless.

The Rainbow Bus Club flier might be your most successful. Where did you get the ridiculous idea for that one?
The Human Centipede Meet-Up got me hooked. It did well, but it didn't make the [Reddit] front page. I needed something a little hotter. The initial idea for the Rainbow Bus Club came years ago at a friend's house. It started as a big joke—the idea of straight guys getting together, sitting around and pretending to be gay. Anytime I'd mention it to someone, they'd laugh their ass off. Guys already do this (visit a fraternity). It just needed an official name. I just never did anything with it. Reddit seemed like the perfect home for the Rainbow Bus Club. It's by far been the most successful, hitting the front page twice. Tosh.0, too.

Is it true that people actually showed up for that event?
A girl I work with was friends with a girl who works at the Starbucks where the meeting was set to go down. Apparently the phone was ringing off the hook about the Rainbow Bus Club. I couldn't believe it. In the end, a group of guys wearing tank tops that said "Dudes" on them showed up. I guess they hung out and snapped a few photos. They even got a little press.

After the jump: The Asian impersonator and masturbation lessons

Tell us about the two impersonator fliers. Those are pretty confounding as well. Who would possibly need services like that?
One morning I read this ridiculous article on Complex magazine around the 10 most racist tweets against Asians from people that had seen the new Red Dawn movie over the weekend. For some strange reason, I thought it would be funny if an actual Asian guy marketed himself as an Asian impersonator. I found a stock photo of an Asian guy and made the flier. It hit the front page, too. [It got 750,000 views in 24 hours.]

I'm not sure who would possibly need services like that. I do know I invented that job. Hopefully it's making someone some money.

Finally, you've got the flier for masturbation lessons. Did anyone show up for that class? And why was that flier removed from Reddit?
No one showed up. I blacked out the location prior to putting it on Reddit. It was for a local gym, and I felt bad having an actual location listed. I bet someone would have shown up, though. No matter how strange the offering is, someone will always show up ready to party.

I'm not sure why it was removed from Reddit. I think it was just too hot for the Internet. Too absurd for even Reddit.

A lot of real fliers out there are very strange. What is it about them that's so oddly compelling? There's a sadness to them, isn't there?
There are some strange fliers out there. Just people looking to connect with other like-minded people. I'm not sure there's a sadness to them, except for the lost dog and missing person fliers. Those are really sad.

You've got a new project in the works. Can you tell us anything about it yet?
I've always got side projects in the works—typically several side-projects at a time. The best thing about creative side projects is there are no rules. I can do whatever I want, get as weird and as punk rock as I want. So yes, I've got a few things in the works.

I always like to keep things on the down low until I launch. It's too easy to get ripped off. You gotta protect your ideas.

We are still working to rebrand Kentucky. That's one big ongoing project we've been working on with Kentucky for Kentucky. That's been a lot of fun.

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