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Epic Meal Time Guys Bring Their Supersize Appetites to Carl's Jr. Ads


It was only a matter of time. YouTube's gurus of gluttony, the EpicMealTime guys, have partnered with the burger pornographers at Carl's Jr./Hardee's to promote the chain's new Super Bacon Cheeseburger. EpicMealTime host Harley Morenstein, fresh off a stint as AdFreak's guest judge of the world's grossest fast-food abominations, joins costar "Muscles Glasses" (aka Alex Perrault) in a series of TV and Web-only clips from 72andSunny unveiling the new burger. The promotion will also feature placement on EpicMealTime's YouTube channel, and customers can reportedly request an "epic" upgrade that ratchets up the bacon count from six strips to 12. The burger's actually pretty wimpy by EpicMealTime standards, but it's good to see that at least one chain was willing to embrace the show's gleeful gluttony. Check out one spot below and another, plus credits, after the jump.

Client: Carl's Jr./Hardee's
Campaign: "Bacon to the 6th Power"

AGENCY: 72andSunny
Glenn Cole - Chief Creative Officer/Partner
Matt Jarvis - Chief Strategic Officer/Partner
Mick DiMaria - Creative Director
Justin Hooper - Creative Director
Rebecca Ullman - Jr. Writer
Sarah Herron - Designer
Sam Baerwald - Director of Film Production
Molly McFarland - Senior Film Producer
Brooke Horne - Film Producer
Matt Johnson - Group Strategy Director
Josh Hughes - Strategist
Latanya Ware - Business Affairs Manager
Sherri Chambers - Group Brand Director
Alexis Varian - Brand Director
Mandy Hein - Brand Manager
Tim Sekiguchi - Brand Coordinator
Melissa Harris - Sr. Print Producer
Emily Hodkins - Communications Manager

Production Company: Christina Productions
Justin Hooper - Director
Christina Ritzmann- EP
Jenny Lenz- Line Producer

Editorial: NO6
Chan Hatcher- Editor
Crissy DeSimone - EP
Yole Barrera- Producer

Online/VFX: Brickyard VFX
George Fitz - Lead VFX Artist
Diana Young Head of Production - VFX Producer

Telecine: Co3
Mike Pethel – Artist
Matt Moran - Producer

Sound Design/Mix: On Music and Sound
Chris Winston – Sound Design and Mixer

"The Bacon Song"
As performed by Harley Morenstein of Epic Meal Time
Courtesy of Next Time Productions


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