Kmart's "Ship My Pants" ad was a major success, to the tune of 17 million YouTube views and counting. But can Draftfcb turn almost-profanity into a running gag for the retailer? It attempts to do so with this follow-up spot, "Big Gas Savings," which features some big-gas humor indeed. It even features the same family from "Ship My Pants," and once again the kid gets the best line. (In the earlier spot, he blurted out, "I can't wait to ship my pants, Dad." Here, he shouts, "Dad, look at that big gas truck!") It's not quite as funny as the original, perhaps, but it seems destined to get similarly big-gas numbers on YouTube. And if nothing else, the #biggassavings hashtag clinches it. Credits below.
Client: Kmart
Chief Marketing Officer: Andrew Stein
Vice President, Creative: Mark Andeer
Agency: Draftfcb
Chief Creative Officer: Todd Tilford
Executive Creative Director: Jon Flannery
Creative Director, Copywriter: Berk Wasserman
Creative Director: Todd Durston
Group Executive Producer, Agency Producer: Chris Bing
Production Company: Bob Industries
Executive Producers: T.K. Knowles, John O'Grady, Chuck Ryant
Producer: Brian Etting
Director: Zach Math