Cats doing aerobics? DDB Chicago's amusing new video for Temptations cat treats is likely to blow up the Internet. No wonder Temptations-eating felines have the leg muscles to be able to cling so ardently to their owners. Check out the Work It Kitty website, where you can download the song ("I Don't Wanna Dance," recorded by Alex Gaudino, featuring Taboo) and learn more about the cats in the video. Ask your veterinarian if you're healthy enough for the Work It Kitty workout. Not recommended if you're on drugs, like those fools in JWT's Litter Genie spots. Credits below.
Client: Temptations Cat Treats
Agency: DDB, Chicago
Executive Vice President, Chief Creative Officer: Ewan Patterson
Senior Vice President, Executive Creative Director: Mark Gross
Vice President, Creative Director, Art Director: Wayne Robinson
Vice President, Creative Director, Copywriter: Matt Collier
Vice President, Executive Producer: Will St. Clair
Executive Digital Producer: Jon Ellis
Music Production Manager: Linda Bres
Executive Producer, Music and Integration: Eric Johnson
Production Business Manager: Scott Terry
Designer: Cody Petruk
Digital Artist, Designer: Annie Tsikretsis
Print Producer: Erica Bletsch
Art Buyer: Karen Blatchford
Production Company: Biscuit Filmworks
Director: Andreas Nilsson
Editorial Company: Beast, Chicago
Editor: John Dingfield
Telecine: Company 3, Chicago
Post Effects, Graphics: Method Studios, Chicago
Music: Ultra Records, "I Don't Wanna Dance," recorded by Alex Gaudino featuring Taboo