LowLow is an Irish brand of cheese products that have one-third the fat of regular cheese. But rather than produce the typical diet-food advert where women who don't need to be on a diet wiggle orgasmically as they chow down on cardboard-textured food stuffs, LowLow decided to make fun of the whole concept of diet-food advertising.
In the spot below, we meet the girls from adland: Smug Girl, Ditzy Girl and Muffin Girl. These superficial girls each have their own issues. Smug Girl dines on crackers just to fit into her jeans. Ditzy Girl dances about everywhere she goes because she loves her diet food just that much. And poor Muffin Girl is so obsessed with muffins that she sees them everywhere. However, the truly subversive content is in the jingle which asks, "How many clichés are we gonna stand?" There is more than a passing gibe toward Special K, whose red and white color palette and blue-jean obsession is mocked. And the spot ends with a furious montage of women measuring and weighing themselves as the jingle sings, "They know they bring us down, but it's for our own good, cause we gotta keep you girls all feeling bad about food."
The tagline, "Sick of clichés? So are we," invites you to head over to their Facebook page and rant about how much you hate it when diet-food ads patronize their audience. Clearly, they've struck some sort of chord, perhaps because the whole thing is so silly. After all, no one has ever eaten a low-calorie cheese and been overwhelmed by the sudden need to dance, turn cartwheels on beaches or run through a field of wild flowers. I think the best you can hope for is a diet food that doesn't result in anal leakage.