StyleYourGarage.com, a German company that makes "garage billboards printed with images that show exactly what every car owner would like to have in their garage," might not sit well with most people. But the idea of attaching a 3-D photo motif to one's garage door with Velcro is rednecky in such a Baltimore way that I can't dislike it, especially when the options include "a real fighter jet, a fancy boat, a thoroughbred horse, or a quaint wine cellar." (There's also a stripper-pole option, with a couple of ladies included, for the truly shameless homeowner.) I'd love it if they made enough money to crank out some Frank Frazetta fantasy paintings instead of the cheesy upward-class-mobility fantasy paintings they're making now. But this is assuming anyone who would buy one of these things has a garage in the first place. More images after the jump.