To bring attention to the awful conditions of the infamous refugee camp in Calais, France, colloquially called "The Jungle," London-based creatives Jason Scott and Joris Philippart listed examples of refugee homes on Airbnb.
You can't actually book them—in fact, Airbnb has since blocked the listings—but it is meant to funnel donations to the Help Refugees charity anyway.
Examples of refugee homes in the mock listings, visible at HomesoftheJungle.com, include the Damaged Shack (shown at the top of this post), whose "walls have been reinforced with sleeping bags that have been taken from those who have attempted to make it to the U.K.
Then there's the "Family Home, "a single sheet of canvas held over a frame of sticks and bound together with bits of string and found plastic":
There is also the Wooden Shelter—"one of the sturdiest homes in the jungle, which should make it harder for police to kick down":
And the cheerlessly international Waterproof Hut, "suitable for big groups":
The idea was to juxtapose these makeshift dwellings with regular Airbnb listings, which would ideally drive people to pay attention and make donations for refugee relief. (The "listings" ranged from £7 a night to £30 a night, or from $9.91 to $42.47.)
We personally can't tell whether the amount of P.T. Barnum they've applied to this idea is just right or too much. Comfortable people must be hit where they live, but the long-term effects of encouraging pity for refugees, without controlling for paternal condescension, are ugly.
The refugees are getting enough paternal condescension in France as it is.
Below, an example of how the Family Home looked on Airbnb: