Can this guy take a punch from a pro boxer? And just as important, wouldn't you like to watch this guy take a punch from a pro boxer?
If you would, here's the video for you.
Ad agency Mechanica created it for Gulden Draak, a Global Beer brand whose current campaign is titled "Hail to the Conquerors" and involves helping real people conquer a challenge through a combination of in-bar and digital media.
Mechanica produced bar coasters for Gulden Draak that encourage drinkers to reach out to the brand on Facebook (using the #HailtotheConqueror) and say what they need to conquer. The brand is then helping some of people do so—and posting the results as Facebook videos.
This is where "Nate" comes in. He always wondered whether he could take a punch from a pro boxer. So, Gulden Draak found a pro boxer up in Portland, Maine—Russell Lamour Jr., aka the Haitian Sensation—and got Nate into a ring with him.
See how that went in the video:
"Gulden Draak [Golden Dragon] is a true Belgian ale from the Steenberge Brewery in Ghent. It's aggressively smooth, and at 10.5 percent alcohol, really strong. So we played into its challenging nature by inviting people to 'Conquer the Dragon.' Basically daring people to try it," says Ted Jendrysik, creative director at Mechanica.
"The campaign is really a social media initiative on beer coasters, asking people to tell us what fear they would like to conquer. If you're selected, then Gulden Draak will actually help you do it. Like they did for this poor bastard—I mean, brave soul. More videos are planned to follow based on people's submissions, all of which will be promoted on Facebook to serve as a standout message for a unique beer."
Nate could presumably also now use an ice-cold bottle of Gulden Draak to ease the swelling on his bruised face. In the meantime, check out the coasters below.
Client: Gulden Draak/Global Beer
Campaign Title: Hail to the Conquerors
Execution Title: Punch
Agency: Mechanica
Creative Directors: Ted Jendrysik, Mechanica
Copywriters: Ted Jendrysik, Jim Garaventi, both from Mechanica
Designer: Pete Whitten, Mechanica
Account Service Supervisor: Ryan Lee
Planner: Laura Brockway
Production Company: p3, Portland, Maine
Director: Brian Chin
Executive Producer (Production Co): CJ Lampman
Producer (Production Co): CJ Lampman
Line Producer: Christopher Davis
Director of Photography: Morgan Myer
Postproduction: p3, Portland, Maine
Editorial Company: p3, Portland, Maine
Editor: Morgan Myer
Sound Design Company: p3, Portland, Maine
Sound Designer: Morgan Myer
Visual Effects Company: p3, Portland, Maine
Visual Effects Editor: Nathan Gilliss