There's no solid way of predicting what might go viral on the Internet or when. So when a brand can hop on board in a moment's notice, the results can be rewarding—or at the very least, applause worthy. And when a new teen-turned-meme video took the Internet by storm this week, a couple of brands were quick to hop on the train.
The original video is 30 seconds of a teenage boy during his school day, with a friend providing the voiceover of "Damn, Daniel" over and over again, plus the line, "Back at it again with the white Vans!"
Damn Daniel pic.twitter.com/Va10hmpePO
— josh (@josholzz) February 16, 2016
It's the kind of thing you don't need to get, but maybe you can appreciate, since it's something other than a prank or a borderline racist meme taking the Internet by storm. In any case, Twitter embraced it with open arms, even turning it into a song.
But Vans—the brand that could have capitalized the most on #damndaniel—snoozed a little on the job. Clorox and Axe were quicker and arguably more effective. And Denny's just finally weighed in today, with a flurry of tweets that led to this top comments from an observer: "dennys needs to calm the fuck down."
See the various branded tweets below.
When you're done getting 'back at it with the white Vans'... | art by @MichaelCHsiungpic.twitter.com/9USszOI9a8
— Vans (@VANS_66) February 19, 2016
Whatever happens to those white shoes @Daniel_laraa, just know that we've got your back. #DamnDaniel#BackAtItAgainpic.twitter.com/0pIiH2EHln
— Clorox (@Clorox) February 18, 2016
#FindYourMagic. Every. #DamnDaniel. Day. pic.twitter.com/VqMaPJ43ZK
— AXE (@AXE) February 19, 2016
*daniel pushes the eggs around on his plate, staring vacantly at them*
— Denny's (@DennysDiner) February 22, 2016
mom: daniel? what's wrong? you've barely touched your food, honey.
daniel: i don't want to go to school today
— Denny's (@DennysDiner) February 22, 2016
mom: what's the matter?
daniel: um...n-nothing
mom: and where are the new shoes i bought you??
daniel: mom, listen--
— Denny's (@DennysDiner) February 22, 2016
mom: no you listen, mister! you finish those eggs, put your new shoes on, and get to school before you're late!
*daniel despondently complies*
— Denny's (@DennysDiner) February 22, 2016
daniel: mom please! why are you making me do this!!?
mom: you know why...
*she rips her mask off revealing her true identity: the friend from school*
— Denny's (@DennysDiner) February 22, 2016
daniel: no...it can't be
mom: daaaaaaa---
daniel: noooooooo!!!!!