Is there a way to make the bile-spewing Donald Trump a little more, well, palatable? Turn him into a dessert item, perhaps.
Los Angeles-based Pitch Agency isn't actually trying to win anyone over politically, but it did include Trump in its recap of 2015's standout moments and personalities, rendered as carefully crafted riddles atop gourmet sugar cookies.
The ad mavens, who work on Burger King, Pepsi, Pinkberry and other clients, drew from significant people, places and events this year to come up with 20 snapshots for these oversized treats, which they started distributing early this month. And many of them come with a little bite.
For example, along with the Tin Man, Dorothy and the Scarecrow, one confection features a character dubbed the Cowardly Dentist (a reference to the profession of Cecil the Lion's killer). Another cookie is trussed up like a cinema marquee for American Sniper, featuring news anchor Brian Williams.
Pitch Agency also included a few mashups, like Sesame Street's Cookie Monster blinged out as Cookie Lyon from Empire, and Caitlyn Jenner on a Wheaties box; as well as twists on notable deaths—Paul Walker's solo-car sendoff from Fast and the Furious 7, and the "Live long and prosper" emoji for Leonard Nimoy.
The agency calls them "the edible equivalent of playing cards" and a way to test your cultural literacy, with some being more arcane than others (to wit: a FIFA World Cup trophy with a "sold" sign on it).