Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt, Helen Keller, Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony. There are plenty of solid suggestions so far on who should grace the new female-fronted $10 bill, replacing Alexander Hamilton on redesigned bills coming from the U.S. Treasury in 2020.
But how about your face, ladies?
Here's some cold hard reality to go with that cold hard cash, however: It won't be worth a sawbuck, but rather just $7.80 if you're a woman earning it, compared to every $10 that men get paid, and even less if you're African American or Latino. That's the premise of a video from ad agency Rethink that points out the gender gap, and new social campaign by ad agency WongDoody in Los Angeles.
The website and social campaign, #TheReal10, provide a faceless bill on which women can paste their own photo. (I did it, and it's sort of a kick to be on currency, initially, but of course that doesn't make up for the battered bottom line). The bill reflects the 78-cents-to-the-dollar that the average woman earns, though the story is even bleaker for ethnic minorities: $6.30 for black women and $5.40 for Hispanics.
WongDoody partnered with the American Association of University Women on the project, with its executive creative director Pam Fujimoto calling it "a great opportunity to bring attention to another monetary issue for women."
TheReal10.org and the AAUW sites give info on ways to work toward equal pay.