Have you left the advertising business for an extended period of time, perhaps to have a family or take care of a loved one? You might not find too many sympathetic hiring managers when you want to come back. They may well consider your prior experience, and your current skill set, to be out of date.
In fact, your job interviews might look something like this:
But now, SapientNitro is launching a "Returnship" pilot program in Toronto and New York, aimed at helping professionals who have left the workforce for a while and are facing barriers to re-entry in a system that places value strictly on work experience.
The Returnship is a 10-week, paid program for creative, technology and advertising professionals looking to refresh their careers and re-enter the workforce. "With this pilot, we aim to learn more about how to support these seasoned candidates on their path back to making an impact at work, whether that be full or part time," the agency says.
SapientNitro debuted news of the program at the 3% Conference in conjunction with 3% and New York agency General Assembly, which gave a UX scholarship to the inaugural pilot candidate.
"A gap in your résumé shouldn't make you career invisible," the agency says. Read more about the program at invisible.careers.