For a country that commonly uses an incredibly vulgar c-word to punctuate phrases, the U.K. is awfully shy about swearing. The latest example of this comes from London coffee shop Fuckoffee, whose landlord is demanding that it remove the "offensive sign" that is the name of the business.
No humour please, we're British. pic.twitter.com/P1U9VhAEho
— Fuckoffee (@fuck0ffee) October 21, 2015
You know, it wasn't that long ago that Malcolm McLaren opened a fetishwear consignment shop in Chelsea and flat-out called it Sex. It's hard to see how this is any worse, especially since it reflects the perpetual misery of the average Londoner.
Nevertheless, the landlord intimated that if Fuckoffee doesn't get rid of their sign, he will.
For its part, Fuckoffee took a picture of the letter it received from him and tweeted it to the world at large (shown above), along with the caption "No humor please, we're British."
While they're at it, they should tweet him this map of American businesses whose names are puns. He'll probably have a heart attack when he gets to "Dick's Halfway Inn."
Photo by terencechisholm on Flickr.