Is Victoria's Secret now trolling its Facebook fans with intentional Photoshop fails?
Some seem to think so, after the lingerie brand posted a photo of a model who has clearly suffered the digital removal of a butt cheek. Eyebrows were particularly raised in this situation after VS captioned the photo: "Truly. Madly. Cheeky."
Note: The photo is mildly NSFW.
VS's Facebook fans were having none of it.
"I don't think you can call it 'cheeky" if she only has 1 cheek," said one of the most upvoted comments. "Truly. Madly. Deformed," said another. A third was more effusive: "Horrible horrible photoshopping. Completely unnecessary, Victoria's Secret. Wishing you would learn from Aerie. Yes another reason I (along with MANY others) will never shop from you guys...Times are changing; it's time you guys caught up. #NotBuyingIt."
The photo was posted way back on Sept. 25, though criticism of it has gained momentum in recent days. It's tempting to think VS just hasn't noticed the complaints—but that's not the case. The brand has responded to one comment in the thread, and it was posted earlier this week (a product complaint, as it turns out).
With VS obviously not inclined to take the photo down, or even address it, the burden has shifted to Facebook users, one of which took the time to actually fix the photo (see above)—giving the model a full set of butt cheeks once again. That's called battling Photoshop with Photoshop.
Check out more from the Facebook thread below. Via Design Taxi.