A heartwarming story of a little boy who scrimped and saved to buy Legos has gone viral just in time for Christmas. James Groccia, an 11-year-old from Massachusetts with Asperger syndrome, saved all his money for two years to buy the Lego Emerald Night Train set, only to find it had been discontinued. So, he wrote to Lego. First, they sent a nice, corporate-sounding apology letter. Then, a few days before his birthday, a package containing the discontinued set arrived with a sweet letter commending his will power and even suggesting that someday he might work at Lego. His parents hid a camera to catch James's reaction when he received the package. The resulting video—titled "Why LEGO is the BEST Company in the World!"—became a hit. And Lego is getting oodles of great publicity for the cost of a single Emerald Night Train set. Of course, the more important part is that they made one little boy unbelievably happy.