Sometimes an ad idea just doesn't get the reach it deserves, and this is certainly one of those times.
Polish agency The Digitals created a little-seen banner/pop-up ad last year that asked site visitors, "Do you want to dissolve the government?" Hovering over the response button would then lock the user's cursor into the ad, which displays the message, "In Belarus, you would go to prison for that."
The ad then released the cursor and asked the viewer to sign a petition to similarly release human rights advocate Ales Bialiatski, who eventually walked free last summer.
Amnesty from The Digitals Sp. z o.o. on Vimeo.
(For the technically minded among you, Amnesty's case study explains, "We used two formats: double billboard [750 px by 200 px] and a transparent top layer, which runs it when you hover over the banner, hiding the cursor when outside.)
Despite the limited scope of the ad, its click-through rate was impressive.
"It was kind of an experiment," Michał Kobierzewski, creative director for The Digitals, told the Epica Awards."We only got about 450 impressions, but out of those, 50 people signed a petition."
Kobierzewski will be a juror in the international award show, which is currently accepting entries.