Feast your eyes on this self-promo clip from German commercial production house The Marmalade. It's a tasty behind-scenes look at how the company achieves mouth-watering slow-motion visual effects mostly for a range of food and beverage clients. Robotic arms, special software and high-frame-rate camera techniques yield a fusion of art, technology and commerce that transcends run-of-the-mill advertising. These super-slo-mo effects serve up real food (sorry, CGI) and go way beyond pretty-ing up hamburgers. We're dipping into the realm of the giddily surreal, where wine and beer flow like liquid diamonds and molten gold, each bubble a plume of effervescent brilliance. Or something poetic like that. "A Sensory Journey" is promised, and delivered, in an Asian spot for KFC, with a psychedelic explosion of dancing peppers and peanuts that's best savored in its full 30-second form on The Marmalade's site. (Last time I ate at KFC, I took a "sensory journey" of another kind right after.) Most striking, perhaps, is a YaJuice spot with a woman's pale skin and bright red lips peeking out from a sea of cherries. When she takes a bite of one of the juicy orbs in super close-up, it's almost like she's devouring a planet. I wonder if The Marmalade hasn't overreached, because most of this stuff looks too gorgeous to eat. Imagine what they could do with gravy. Via PSFK.