As proof that time makes fools of us all, an out-of-date Heinz ketchup QR code sent unsuspecting German man David Korell to a hardcore pornography site. The code was part of a Heinz contest which let consumers design their own labels. That ended last year, and when Heinz let the website expire, porn company Fundorado stepped in and bought it.
Yes, they already made an EZ Squirt joke. No, I'm not going to repeat it.
Korell, who just wanted to design a label without getting swept up in a pornado, was understandably ruffled. "Your ketchup really isn't for underage people," he told the company on Facebook, adding that "it's incomprehensible that you didn't reserve the domain for one or two years." Grubstreet reports that Korell checked the link on a few different phones before reporting it to the company.
Heinz, understandably mortified, has offered to let Korell design a label for them, and Fundorado graciously offered him a free membership as well.
Photo via Leonid Mamchenkov/Flickr.