How easy would it be to parallel park if you always had a friend to help you—even when you were driving alone?
A new Fiat billboard created by Leo Burnett Germany invites viewers to imagine just that. The agency hooked up a digital screen with special software and a sensors to measure how far a driver's rear bumper was from the car behind it, and then projected synchronized images of human helpers guiding the driver's parking job—just like a passenger might get out and do.
It's a simple, clever concept, appropriate to promote Fiat's Parking Assist technology, an alarm system that warns drivers in reverse of objects behind them. The billboard even offers a range of different playful avatars for the computerized assistant—a biker, a child, a wise old-man. And the brand's marketing team couldn't resist designing one of them—a woman in a skimpy bunny outfit—to appeal to the leering set.
Unfortunately, that seems like the kind of thing that might make some drivers more likely to hit the car behind them.