Harland Sanders needs a little help with the Twitter.
The KFC colonel, who was recently revived as the chain's advertising star, took over its feed Wednesday afternoon, saying he was excited to offer some "clear and concise communication" directly to the brand's fans. Some 18 tweets later, it's clear he needs to work on the concise part.
Along the way, though, he did manage to quote his own business philosophy, called "The Hard Way," in its entirety. And indeed, this is the hard way to do Twitter—but maybe it will pay off in the long run.
See the tweets below.
Hello, my fellow Americans, Twitterers and fans of the greatest fried chicken on God's green earth. This is the one, the only, Colonel
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
Harland Sanders. And owing to my desire to maintain clear and concise communication with fans of the greatest fried chicken available, that
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
of course being my Kentucky Fried Chicken with 11 Original Herbs & Spices, I'm able to recognize that the Twitter Channel is an ideal way to
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
do just that! That is to say, I personally have taken over the duties (and awesome responsibility, as I see it) of social communication
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
on behalf of all the fine men and women at Kentucky Fried Chicken. Now, before I get to the point that I most want to make, that being the
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
value of what I call "The Hard Way" in a world in which "The Easy Way" is becoming increasingly more winsome, let me first mention that my
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
Kentucky Fried Chicken is Finger Lickin' Good because it's cooked in specially designed, patented equipment that seals in all the natural
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
juices and goodness. But that, folks, is just a small digression on the road to the bigger idea of The Hard Way. The Hard Way, of course,
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
being the main purpose of this correspondence here on this Twitter. And so, to quote myself, let me simply say this: "It is comparatively
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
easy to prosper by trickery, the violation of confidence, oppression of the weak, sharp practices, cutting corners—all of those methods that
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
we are prone to palliate and condone as 'business shrewdness.' It is difficult to prosper by the keeping of promises, the delivery of value
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
in goods, in services and in deeds—and in the meeting of so-called 'shrewdness' with sound merit and good business ethics. The Easy Way is
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
efficacious and speedy—The Hard Way is arduous and long. But, as the clock ticks, The Easy Way becomes harder and The Hard Way becomes
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
easier. And as the calendar records the years, it becomes increasingly evident that The Easy Way rests hazardously upon shifting sands,
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
whereas The Hard Way builds solidly a foundation of confidence that cannot be swept away. Thus we builded."
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
I hope you enjoyed this.
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
Re-tweet my tweet, folks!
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
They don't call it tweetin' for nothing!
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015