Beware the Trulia listing for 1295 Brimstone Ave.
An amusing ad tie-in for the new Poltergeist remake has put the famously haunted home up for sale. Sure, the usual realtor smarm is there—"charming," "contemporary," "lots of potential"—but close readers will find the listing is delightfully upfront about the house's unique history.
Scroll down to "crimes near this home" and you'll find that the house has had more than one paranormal peculiarity. There were casualties. And OK, OK, an apparition or two might hang around. There may have been a tree assault involving a child, too. But it's the perfect house for a family looking for a starter home!
The listing is chockful of Easter egg hints, cheekily letting the reader in on the house's back story in relation to the movie. ("Housing development is built on a site with a lot of history.") The map even flickers in and out, making it seem like a ghost could jump out from the screen.
Check it out for yourself to see how many subtle references you can find. Oh, and if you put down an offer, now might be a good time for your family to go TV-free.