Mother's Day has become one big cryfest for advertisers—a time to see how choked up they can make viewers. That kind of sentimentality is fine, when communicated well, but there's definitely weep fatigue setting in. Which is why this Samsung ad, "#TextsFromMom," is a such a breath of fresh air.
The R/GA spot looks at how your mom probably uses text messaging—or rather, misuses it. The whole thing is pretty funny, and nicely pokes fun without getting too mean. And it sticks the landing by reminding you that you shouldn't be texting with Mom at all this Sunday.
You'll also notice that some of the moms' phone numbers are visible in the spot. If you dial them, you get to hear what they have to say in their voicemail messages.
You can also show off your mom's funniest texts using hashtag #TextsFromMom for a chance to win a Galaxy S 6 edge.