Tax Day isn't usually a time for great brand creativity, but BBDO New York goes the extra mile this year with a short documentary about an Arizona woman who tried to write off a Snickers bar in 2005.
She was audited, and the authorities took a dim view of her audacity.
Also, it's a true story. BBDO found the woman's case online, pitched her the concept and flew to her hometown in Arizona to shoot the film.
Client: Snickers
Spot: "The Snickers Write-Off"
Agency: BBDO New York
Chief Creative Officer, BBDO Worldwide: David Lubars
Chief Creative Officer, BBDO New York: Greg Hahn
Executive Creative Director: Gianfranco Arena
Executive Creative Director: Peter Kain
Creative Director: Peter Alsante
Associate Creative Director: Matthew Zaifert
Managing Director: Kirsten Flanik
Global Account Director: Susannah Keller
Account Director: Joshua Steinman
Account Manager: Dylan Green
Account Executive: Jocelyn Choi
Director of Integrated Production: David Rolfe
Group Executive Producer: Amy Wertheimer
Producer: Mona Lisa Farrokhnia
Music Producer: Julia Millison
Group Planning Director: Crystal Rix
Senior Planner: Alaina Crystal
Director: Evan Bernard
Director of Photography: Joseph DeSalvo
Line Producer: Koji Yahagi
Production Supervisor: Renee Haar
Projects Lead: Michael Gentile
Audio Engineer: Corey Bauman
Illustrator: Kieran Bergin
Editorial: NO6
Editor: Ryan Bukowski
Executive Producer: Corina Dennison
Producer: Malia Rose
Colorist: Stephen Picano