New Belgium Brewing peddles its Slow Ride Session pale ale in a series of silly Web shorts created by production house Strike Anywhere.
Dr. Don, a mellow therapist with a bushy upper lip, advises patients to relax and enjoy life as he serves them beer during slow rides on a fantastical bicycle-couch contraption. Is this guy licensed? To practice therapy or drive that thing? It's probably best not to ask.
The pleasingly perky films, which began appearing a few months back, top out at around three minutes, and the performances by sketch comedy vets, at times clearly ad libbing, give the spots an extra kick. Ditto the retro elevator/lounge soundtrack (like something from an oh-so-groovy '60s romp) and the rear-projection effects, which are goofy but not intrusive.
Still, it's a thin concept, and after episodes with a bickering couple on their first date, bickering roommates and a millennial bickering with his boomer boss, the comedy starts to fall a bit flat. Also, Dr. Don's chill-out mantra, while on-brand, wouldn't feel out of place for a purveyor of the wacky tobacky. (What exactly are you hopped up on, dude?)
Ah well, it's all about the "mobile therapy couch," which steals the show every time. There's even a laid-back video that shows you how to build one of your own. Alas, the instructions make assembling Ikea furniture look like child's play. (It's also difficult to follow what the hosts are saying in the clip, which was shot outdoors on a windy day.)
After attempting that DIY project, you just might need therapy. Or a couple sixes to take the edge off, at the very least.