How tough is it to scout for pillow shams and window treatments, Mr. New Homeowner, while keeping your manhood intact? Extremely difficult, if not downright impossible, on chick-dominated Pinterest.
FirstBank of Lakewood, Colo., wants to help you unleash your inner Martha Stewart while disguising the whole House Beautiful jag as a much more manly exercise. Just download a browser extension—themes include sports, meat and power tools—and "manoflage" your Pinterest page. So, while you're actually considering color schemes and area rugs, it'll appear to nosy friends or co-workers that you're shopping for drill bits or ogling raw beef. Instant stamp of approval from anyone mired in gender stereotypes!
The digital campaign comes from ad agency TDA_Boulder, and its intro video will run as paid pre-roll on sites like Hulu and YuMe. There's a dedicated man-o-flage.com site for the free software, which is also available at the App Store.
Decorate to your heart's content, dude.