Up, up and away?
FCB Paris plans to send one of its creatives into space. The agency will use almost 37,000 balloons to hoist intrepid advernaut Baptiste Szuwarski toward heaven. The 25-year-old copywriter is the lightest member of the creative staff at 114 pounds, probably 113 if he shaves—and his weight, we're told, makes him the perfect choice for this publicity stunt.
Since March 10, for each like on its Facebook page, the agency has inflated a balloon at its offices on the Champs-Elysées to support the mission, calculating somehow that it will take exactly 36,895 to get the job done. (The page has 2,200 likes overall, so there's a stratospheric way to go.) FCB says the precise launch date is ... sigh ... up in the air. #GoodLuckBaptiste is the hashtag.
Balloons? Sounds like hot air to me. And the fact that the agency emailed a PDF press release makes me doubt its technical prowess. Besides, if we're going to banish an ad exec from the planet, I think everyone agrees Donny Deutsch should be the one to go. (Kidding, of course. He's got a new TV show, and who isn't psyched about that?)
Bon chance, Baptiste! Though you will be risking your very existence on this fateful voyage, it still beats filling out timesheets and meeting with clients.
"Dying is not an option," Szuwarski tells AdFreak. "At least, for me it isn't!"