Here we are, less than 24 hours from the spectacle that is SXSW. As the minions descend on Austin, and the rest of the world gawks from afar, there's a vocal contingent who literally can't even.
A healthy disdain for SXSW has developed in recent years, and seems to be hitting a crescendo, oh, right about now. Below, check out some snark-laden tweets from people who are going, can't go—or are already there but would rather be anywhere else.
See you in Austin, haters!
Mandatory 24-hour Meerkat streams for all SXSW attendees who have their employer paying for the trip.
— Bored Elon Musk (@BoredElonMusk) March 12, 2015
Welcome to Austin. Enjoy the barbecue. Now go home. #bbqueue#sxswpic.twitter.com/FdvQdgn2OM
— Franklin BBQ Line (@FranklinBBQline) March 12, 2015
A bot that replies to all SXSW party invitations with "I am 35 and I do not leave New York. #blessed"
— Rachel Fershleiser (@RachelFersh) March 12, 2015
Let's do a thing where u literally don't tell a single soul you're going to SXSW. Let's bring back the mystique!
— billy eichner (@billyeichner) March 12, 2015
bragging you're not going to sxsw is the new bragging you're going to sxsw.
— Brian Morrissey (@bmorrissey) March 11, 2015
If we get to 8,000 followers by the end of the day, I'll give away 28 wristbands to Guy Fieri's air hockey tournament/karaoke buffet! #SXSW
— SXSW Partyzzzzz (@SXSWPartyzzzzz) March 12, 2015
SXSW needs more industry panel discussions about SXSW industry panel discussions
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) March 12, 2015
Drones have been banned at #SXSW. Now if only they would ban #SXSW. http://t.co/gZMmGWy9dA
— Drones (@drones) March 12, 2015
I have ZERO FOMO. RT @caro: "Hey, how's it going, you guys are in our startup accelerator, right?" overheard in line to board flight to SXSW
— katierosman (@katierosman) March 12, 2015
omg there's definitely going to be a band playing on my flight to sxsw isn't there fuck me
— maria sherman (@mariasherm) March 12, 2015
Every ten seconds in America, a @sxsw or @Comic_Con happens.
— Chris Regan (@ChrisRRegan) March 12, 2015
I just saw the first awkward SXSW badges worn far away from the events downtown and it doesn't even start til tomorrow
— Ben Brown (@benbrown) March 12, 2015
Packing question: what does a middle-aged suburban dad corporate sellout wear to #SXSW?
— Alex Stamos (@alexstamos) March 12, 2015
"Back in my prime, son, I used to delete hundreds of SXSW-related emails a day. Kids these days don't know how easy they have it."
— Dave Segal (@editaurus) March 12, 2015
Good old Colin Hanks. At least someone's happy to be here!
Can we just be at SXSW already? Pretty Please with Shiner on top?
— Colin Hanks (@ColinHanks) March 11, 2015