By now you've heard all about Apple's new gadget—that futuristic iPhone accesory known as the Apple Watch. When the biggest brand in the world releases a new product, it's a cultural event. And that means Twitter explodes as everyone—including brands—offers their hot take on the new timepiece.
Check out some of the brand tweets below, whose subtext is clear: Apple is cool, but it's time to pay attention to us instead.
will the new future-watch make you waffles in the morning and say "i love you"? well it should.
— Denny's (@DennysDiner) March 9, 2015
Yeah, but can the watch tell you when to go?
— Charmin (@Charmin) March 9, 2015
Perfect for the girl on the go.
— Hostess Snacks (@Hostess_Snacks) March 9, 2015
Introducing the new wearable eatable.
— Hostess Snacks (@Hostess_Snacks) March 9, 2015
The original smartwatch.
— Miller Lite (@MillerLite) March 9, 2015
I don't need a fancy watch to know it's time for Whataburger.
— Whataburger® (@Whataburger) March 9, 2015
When will they make a #smartwatch like this?
— Papa John's Pizza (@PapaJohns) March 9, 2015
— Tesco (@Tesco) March 10, 2015
Can someone tell us what they said about the #AppleWatch? We were on a run. #BeMoreHuman#AppleWatchEvent
— Reebok (@Reebok) March 9, 2015
— Corona (@corona) March 10, 2015
The latest in Apple technology
— innocent drinks (@innocentdrinks) March 10, 2015