In the intensely metaphorical, self-reflective universe of Mad Men, ad campaigns mirror aspects of Don Draper's tortured psyche, and by extension, become revealing meditations on the greater human condition. Here in the "real" world, Sally Draper's makin' waffles! Kiernan Shipka, who plays Sally on the iconic AMC show, helps prepare gluten-free breakfast treats during a segment featured in a new app touting hipster-trendy bakery chain BabyCakes NYC. Celebrity foodies Mark Bittman and Christina Tosi also appear, but 12-year-old Kiernan's participation is getting the most play, with BabyCakes owner Erin McKenna sounding disproportionately starstruck. "Kiernan arrived for the shoot wearing an outfit that looked just like a BabyCakes uniform!" she says. "I could barely breathe at that point. I was trying to remember what I was doing, hold a conversation, and breathe." Sounds like someone needs to cut down on the sugar. I'd say this BabyCakes endeavor says plenty about the current state of the human condition. It's all about gluten-free waffles. And apps. And celebrity foodies. (Can I be one of those? Would I have to learn how to cook? What if I just eat batter in front of a Webcam?) Meanwhile, the psychedelic '60s are progressing on Mad Men, and it's probably just a matter of time until Sally and her pals get thoroughly baked, sending Don and Betty into fresh fits of existential angst. If she gets the munchies, waffles will do just fine. Via Co. Create.