For most viewers, Nationwide's Super Bowl spot was likely the most depressing of the night, but St. Louis residents were treated to a regional ad that might just have it beat.
The 60-second PSA by the Missouri-based National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Abuse features a clashing juxtaposition between a perky, bouyant song narrating a tale of drug abuse with ironic lyrics "That's how ... how you got addicted to heroin!"—and, well, a dramatic scene showing an addicted teen and his mother. It's promoting Ncada's program for families who suspect a loved one is battling addiction.
"The stark contrast in tone between the upsetting images and the almost lighthearted music is an intentional choice that reflects the stark contrasts of these real-life situations," states the video's YouTube summary. "In using the tools of drama to convey this crucial truth in a 60-second spot, we created a parallel disconnection between the visual story we see on screen and the musical story we hear. It is disturbing. It is jarring. It is painful to watch. And we must pay attention to it."
Yes. It's all those things. Jeez.