A good way to succeed on Super Bowl Sunday is to put a bunch of animals in your ad, though as GoDaddy learned, you have be careful with your message.
Director Sam Nicholson (the visual effects wizard for AMC's The Walking Dead) and Stargate Studios teamed up with animal control group The Lucy Pet Foundation to create the cute ad below, which will air Sunday on the Hallmark Channel during the Kitten Bowl. Which, in case you're wondering, is basically Off-Broadway for Super Bowl ads.
The commercial features rescue animals playing football, and includes over 1 billion separate images, according to the client. (It's been submitted to Guinness to be recognized as the first Super Bowl Sunday ad to accomplish such a feat.)
We don't want to spoil the ending, so take a look below at this bittersweet tale. Hint: It's got something to do with the responsible deflation of balls.