Budweiser melted hearts with its "Puppy Love" commercial on last year's Super Bowl, and is prepping a sequel, "Lost Dog," that's expected to break Wednesday online. But a day early, here is Go Daddy—amusingly deflating Bud's balls a little bit with a spoof that even somewhat matches the plot of the sequel.
Yes, Go Daddy has its own adorable yellow Labrador puppy. And like the one in this year's Bud spot, it's gotten lost—after falling out of a pickup truck when it went over a bump. The little guy runs home as fast as his little legs can carry him … but it's not exactly a sappy ending that awaits him there.
The spot was made by Barton F. Graf 9000. Check out our Q&A with Gerry Graf here, where he talks Go Daddy's approach this year, and the ups and downs of making Super Bowl spots.