Sleep-aid ZzzQuil left some followers wondering what year it was when they saw the brand's recent engagement-themed tweet.
"SLEEP LIKE he finally proposed," the tweet noted. "And you have been dating for a decade. #SleepLike #engaged #shesaidyes"
The message felt a bit too 1950s for women who'd like to move past the stereotype that peace of mind is all about finding a husband.
Despite being posted late Thursday and sparking quite a lot of backlash, the tweet remained live this morning, and the brand hasn't responded to any of those upset by it.
Here are just a few of the responses:
@ZzzQuil Sleep like the only thing that'll make you happy is a man! What is this, the 50s? #sexist
— Amanda D (@akd209) January 24, 2015
Fuck off. RT @ZzzQuil: SLEEP LIKE he finally proposed. And you have been dating for a decade. #engaged#shesaidyespic.twitter.com/jvkgc7o7xC
— c o r s o (@WhyofCorso) January 23, 2015
@WhyofCorso@ZzzQuil whaaaaa? I dated my husband for a decade and I wasn't losing sleep over a proposal. A very silly ad.
— sunsentinello (@sunsentinello) January 23, 2015
Haha twitter look at this bullshit RT @ZzzQuil SLEEP LIKE he finally proposed. And you have been dating for a decade pic.twitter.com/7MVCTMo582
— Bridget ♐︎ (@moneyaftergrad) January 23, 2015
I'll rest easier when sexism ends. "@ZzzQuil: SLEEP LIKE he finally proposed. And you have been dating for a decade. pic.twitter.com/9YRLBaasUB"
— Cecillea Pond-Mayo (@cecillea) January 24, 2015