Loft, the more relaxed of the Ann Taylor fashion houses, recently posted a video of a young woman frantically binge-exercising enveloped in plastic wrap because she's going to a wedding. While the video, part of a new Web series, is desperately unfunny, it's meant to be satire and was taken out of context, according to the brand.
"We teamed up with the comediennes of [the Web series] #hotmessmoves to create a series of videos on Loft.com, which prove your best resolution for 2015 should be to stay exactly the same, because you're perfect just the way you are," a Loft rep told Today.
Sure, its meant to be satirical take on New Year's resolutions, but what happens when the jokes don't land? People see the message as a possibly sizeist, sexist suggestion that women need to lose weight to fit into your clothes.
What's interesting, though, is that almost every video in the series—featuring Ashley Skidmore and Lyle Friedman—has something deeply wrong with it.
One video has what begins as a meet-cute devolve into a woman pushing for the man to be a man—oh right, gender norms are funny—and escalates into her being charmed by street harassment. Another shows the two women trying to cook, but ha ha, they can't because they're single. And yet another feels like Sex and the City lite, with the women discussing men they need to cut out of their lives because, ha ha, men don't change.
Better luck next time.