Three elderly couples recount the happiest moments of their lives in this sweet slice of branded content from British insurance company Beagle Street.
The four-minute film, directed by Gary Tarn, features interviews with Maurice and Helen Kaye, each over 100, who have been married for 80 years; Doug and Betty Hale, married for 73 years; and William and Maureen Norman, wed for 60 years.
The stories they tell aren't especially earth-shattering, yet each tale is special and poignant in its way. The couples recall first meetings, wedding days and the births of their children. Recollections of a hospital visit to a wounded spouse during World War II, and the arrival of a dazzling engagement ring years after the nuptials, might have you reaching for the Kleenex.
Matthew Gledhill, Beagle Street's managing director, says "Happiest Moment" was made to encourage the younger generation to "worry less and live in the moment with the people you care about most." What's more, he says, "the film and our research clearly show that happiness is linked much more heavily to relationships, friends and family than societal or monetary status."
The video accompanies a survey of 1,000 Brits over 70 years of age. More than 12 percent said their happiest moment in life was the birth of their first child (suck it, younger siblings!), followed by their wedding day (11.5 percent) and the birth of their grandchildren (10 percent). For the record, the birth of other kids placed fourth at 8.5 percent.
Not taking loved ones for granted and believing in yourself were the top pieces of advice they had for living a happier life. Choosing the wrong career was the biggest regret. (As a journalist and blogger, I've got nothing to worry about. Right?)
Sure, the survey's hardly scientific, and some might object to the film's predictably treacly tone. Still, Beagle Street's approach is compelling, and provides a refreshing change of pace. Older people are often the punch lines of jokes in commercials. It's high time marketers (and all of us) respected their life experience and paid attention to what they have to say.