Breaking a bottle over somebody's head is one way of using beer to deliver a message. Now, Andes has developed a less violent option.
Just scan the QR codes—remember those?—on an Andes label to download an app that lets you record a short video and assign it to that bottle. Give the bottle to someone, and they can play the video by scanning the same code. The messages live in the cloud, and they self-destruct once they're played. (Not that you'd record anything actionable at a party or bar, where you might get wasted and decide to try this whole bottle-video thing.)
"Message in a Bottle" is the latest in a series of innovative ideas for the Argentinian brewer from Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi. Depending on your level of alcohol consumption, you may recall campaigns featuring wacky gimmicks like a teletransporter and friend recovery unit. Such efforts fuse advertising and technology in silly but creative ways to give users a novel experience in the offline world.
For this latest installment, Del Campo launched a pair of amusing ads to illustrate that "It's easier to say it with Andes." Messages range from "I only married you to get citizenship" and "I've been stealing your wifi for a year" to the revelation that your mom and best bro are hooking up.
Actually, you may have to bop yourself in the face a few times with a bottle to process that one.