If you were on the Internet this week, you probably saw the video of Aaron Draplin building a logo from scratch. If not, go watch it—we'll wait.
OK, are we all on the same page? Great. Now, as a new fan of his work, you can go watch his other videos in chronological order-ish.
Below, Draplin stars in a couple of videos from Vans' "Living Off the Wall" series, as well as clips of other talks he's given, including a TED presentation in Portland, Ore., and a speech titled "The DDC 50 Point Plan to Ruin Yer Career."
His story is a good one, especially if you're a creative trying to wrap your mind around the landscape of the artistic process, or pounding your head on the desk trying to knock ideas loose. Draplin talks more about his methodologies and his "side hustles," including rummaging through junk to find inspiration, his logo tattoo and the story behind his Field Notes mini-empire.
Just watching him experience design is a treat. Dude has a physical reaction (he shivers like he's just seen a sexy ghost) to good design and old logos. Take a look.
Via Design Taxi.