TDA_Boulder is looking for a new art director, but the interview process will be unique. In fact, if all goes well, it might end up looking like outtakes from The Hangover.
Yes, the agency plans to interview the top candidate over two days in Las Vegas.
"There's only so much you can learn about an applicant over the course of an hour-long interview," says the agency. "Which is why TDA_Boulder is taking a new approach to hiring an art director—bringing you along on our two-day holiday party in Las Vegas. Given that Vegas has a tendency to bring out the best (and worst) in people, it's the perfect proving ground for anyone who'd like to work at TDA."
The invitation to apply (see below) is styled like a fingerprint card for the Clark County Sheriff Dept. You can apply at tdaboulder.com/contact by Dec. 3. TDA will then conduct interviews via Skype to select one candidate for the trip, beginning Dec. 7.
"Airfare, food, lodging, golf and/or spa included. Work not included. Hanging included. Bail not included," says the agency.
Zach Galfianakis need not apply.
Agency: TDA_Boulder
Art Director: Austin O'Connor
Copywriter: Dan Colburn
Creative Director: Jonathan Schoenberg