Today in amusing Canadian agency videos, we have this one from Cossette—in which marketing people all over the country ask the same bewildered question: "What the fuck is going on at Cossette?"
It's a good question, as it turns out. And kudos to people from rival agencies who make cameos here, including Carlos Moreno and Peter Ignazi of BBDO and—at the very end—Geoffrey Roche, who founded Lowe Roche. Other folks making appearances include the Trailer Park Boys, Chris Van Dyke of School Editing and Ted Rosnick of RMW Music.
Also, Cossette's Dave Daga gets points for allowing himself to be hit in the balls.
The video, which was made for Strategy magazine's Agency of the Year event, is NSFW, mostly due to language, though there a couple of unsightly visuals too.